Monday, October 22, 2012

Albany Times Union: Army widows: Martinez jury tainted

In this article released today, reporter Robert Gavin of the Albany Times Union examines the recent allegations of juror misconduct in the trial of the soldier who murdered my late husband Phillip and First Lieutenant Louis Allen.

Here is a key quote from Barbara Allen, the widow of First Lieutenant Allen:
"Not only does this news emotionally shock me, but legally, it is a disgraceful breach of protocol," Allen, 40, the mother of the lieutenant's four sons, ages 9 to 13, told the Times Union from her home in Orange County. Allen said she has learned from jurors that the high-ranked juror told lower-ranking jurors to "shut up" if they wanted to continue deliberating.
Read the full report here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


My condolences to you and your family. Likewise to the Allens.

I first read of your husband’s case almost four years ago. I don’t think I have ever been as disturbed by a news story. When I saw an update posted on the Army Times website tonight I clicked on it immediately, hoping that justice had finally been done.

I see it hasn’t happened yet, but God bless you for continuing the fight. Your efforts honor your husband beyond all words and provide comfort and inspiration to others who are dealing with unimaginable loss. May you soon find justice.

Please know that your husband looks down from a far better place, and that you will be with him again someday.

“And he for whom his country dies shall fill an honored grave, for glory lights the soldier’s tomb and beauty weeps the brave.”